Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our frequently asked questions page! Here you will find answers to the most commonly asked questions about our IT services. Whether you’re a current customer or just considering working with us, this page is designed to provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions. If you don’t find the answer to your question here, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly. Thank you for choosing ItsBroken Digital for your IT needs!

  1. What services do you offer?

    ItsBroken offer a wide range of services, including:
    · Network design and management
    · Cloud services and solutions
    · Cybersecurity and threat management
    · Website development and custom programming
    · Data backup and recovery
    · IT consulting and strategy development
    · Managed IT services & remote monitoring
    · IT transformation and digital transformation
    · Network and infrastructure management
    · IT automation and scripting
    · IT project management
    · IT support and maintenance
    · IT service continuity and availability management
    · IT audit and assessment
    · Computer building, upgrades and maintenance
    · Server building, upgrades and maintenance
    · Server Hosting
    · Shared Hosting
    · Email and Exchange Hosting

  2. What industries do you specialize in?

    We service a number of industries, including:
    · Manufacturing
    · Industrial Cleaning
    · Distribution
    · Fashion
    · Auto wrecking and auto recycling
    · Construction
    · Draughting
    · Health – General Practice and Dentistry
    · Interior Design
    · Information Technology
    · Finance and accounting
    · Hospitality and tourism

  3. How much do your services cost?

    The cost of IT services can vary greatly depending on the specific services provided, and the scope of the project. Some common factors that can affect our service costs include the number of users or devices, the complexity of the network or system, and the level of support required. In general, small businesses may pay less for IT services than larger organizations, as their needs are typically less complex. We offer different pricing packages or plans, which can be tailored to meet the specific needs and budget of each customer. It’s best to contact ItsBroken Digital directly to get a more accurate estimate of the cost of our services.

    There is a very relevant saying “you can have it fast, cheap, or good, but you can only pick two.” Often used to describe the relationship between cost, quality, and timing. This means that when it comes to completing a project, there is a trade-off between how quickly it needs to be completed, how much it will cost, and how good the final result will be. It is not possible to have all three at their optimal level.
    For example, if you want a project completed quickly and at a low cost, the quality of the final result may not be as high. Conversely, if you want a high-quality project that is completed quickly, it is likely to be more expensive. Therefore, when planning a project, it is important to prioritize and set realistic expectations for cost, quality, and timing.

  4. What is your process for implementing new projects?

    ItsBroken Digital’s process for implementing new projects typically involves the following steps:
    · Initial consultation: We will meet with the client to understand their needs, goals, and objectives for the project. We will also discuss any constraints or requirements that need to be taken into account.
    · Project scoping: We will document the project requirements and create a detailed project scope that outlines the objectives, deliverables, timelines, and budget for the project.
    · Solution design: We will design a solution that meets the project requirements and fits within the project scope. This may involve creating system architecture diagrams, process flows, and other documentation.
    · Development: We will begin developing the solution, following the design and project scope. This may involve writing code, creating interfaces, and testing the solution.
    · Testing: We will conduct testing to ensure that the solution meets the project requirements and is free of bugs and other issues.
    · Deployment: We will deploy the solution in a production environment, and will make sure that it is working correctly and that any necessary data is migrated.
    · Training: We will provide training to the client’s staff on how to use the solution and how to maintain it.
    · Maintenance and support: We will provide ongoing maintenance and support to the client, to ensure that the solution is working correctly and that any issues are resolved quickly.

    Please note that this is a general process and specific clients needs may have different processes, though the overall steps are quite similar. Talk to us to see how ItsBroken Digital can manage your next business IT project.

  5. Can you provide references or case studies of past work?

    We are pleased to offer references from similar projects or clients that demonstrate the high-quality services and expertise that we can provide. We understand the importance of trust and confidence in selecting a service provider and we are more than happy to provide you with detailed accounts from clients who have experienced our work firsthand.

    Due to the nature of our business and the confidentiality we agree to keep with clients, we cannot provide case studies. We can provide references from clients and personal customers alike. If you would like to see references, please ask our friendly staff.

    We have a number of glowing reviews from retail and corporate clients on our Google Business profile, and on numerous business directories.

  6. How do you ensure data security and privacy?

    ItsBroken Digital typically ensure data security and privacy by implementing a variety of technical and organizational measures, such as:
    · Encryption: We use encryption to protect data in transit and at rest, making it difficult for unauthorized parties to access the data.
    · Authentication and access controls: We use authentication mechanisms such as passwords and multi-factor authentication to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive data. We also implement access controls to restrict access to data based on user roles and permissions.
    · Firewalls and intrusion detection/prevention systems: We use firewalls and intrusion detection/prevention systems to monitor network traffic and identify and block potential threats.
    · Data backup and disaster recovery: We implement data backup and disaster recovery plans to ensure that data can be recovered in the event of a disaster or other disruption.
    · Physical security: We implement physical security measures such as security cameras and access controls to protect ours and client infrastructure, and other facilities where sensitive data is stored.
    · Security awareness and training: We provide security awareness and training to our employees to ensure that they are aware of security threats and know how to handle sensitive data securely.
    · Penetration testing: We conduct regular penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities in our systems and fix them before they can be exploited by attackers.
    · Regular security audit: We conduct regular security audit to check the compliance, efficiency and effectiveness of security controls and solutions.
    Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, as we have different approaches to data security and privacy depending on requirements, though the above mentioned are common measures that ItsBroken Digital use to ensure data security and privacy.

  7. What is your approach to project management?

    ItsBroken Digital’s approach to project management typically involves using a structured methodology, such as:
    · Waterfall: This is a linear and sequential approach, where each phase of the project is completed before the next one begins. This method is best suited for projects with well-defined and fixed requirements. Learn more ->
    · Agile: This is an iterative and incremental approach, where the project is divided into small chunks of work called sprints. Each sprint is time-boxed and includes planning, development, testing, and deployment. Agile methodologies are best suited for projects with rapidly changing or uncertain requirements. Learn more ->
    · Scrum: This is a specific type of Agile methodology that is widely used in software development. It involves a cross-functional team working together to deliver a product incrementally. Learn more ->
    · Lean: This is an approach that emphasizes minimizing waste and maximizing value. It is often used in manufacturing and production, but it can also be applied to IT projects. Learn more ->
    · Kanban: This is a visual management method that emphasizes the flow of work. It uses a Kanban board to visualize the progress of work and to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement. Learn more ->
    · Six Sigma: This is a data-driven approach that aims to improve quality and reduce defects by identifying and removing the root causes of problems. Learn more ->

    The choice of methodology will depend on the specific needs of the project, the industry, the team and the company. We generally use a combination of methodologies, or a hybrid approach, to best suit our clients’ needs and goals. Talk to us to see how ItsBroken Digital can manage your next business IT project.

  8. How do you handle unexpected issues or changes during a project?

    ItsBroken Digital handles unexpected issues or changes during a project by using change management processes, such as:
    · Identifying and documenting the change: We will assess the impact of the change on the project and document it in a formal change request.
    · Reviewing and evaluating the change: We will review the change request and evaluate its impact on the project schedule, budget, and scope.
    · Approving or rejecting the change: We will decide whether to approve or reject the change request, based on the evaluation.
    · Implementing the change: If the change is approved, we will implement it, following a well-defined process.
    · Communicating the change: We will communicate the change to all stakeholders and ensure that everyone understands the impact of the change on the project.
    · Managing the risks: We will manage the risks associated with the change, by identifying potential problems and implementing mitigation measures.
    · Updating the project plan: We will update the project plan to reflect the change, and will adjust the schedule, budget, and scope as necessary.
    · Monitoring the change: We will monitor the change to ensure that it is implemented correctly and that it achieves the desired results.
    · Continuously review the progress and adapt as needed: We will continuously review the progress of the project and adapt as needed in order to make sure that the project stays on track and achieve its goals.

    Please note that this is a general process. Certain clients and projects may require different approaches to change management, but these are common steps used to handle unexpected issues or changes during a project with ItsBroken Digital. Talk to us to see how ItsBroken Digital can manage your next business IT project.

  9. Do you offer ongoing support and maintenance?

    Yes, we typically offer ongoing support and maintenance for our solutions where applicable. This can include providing updates and fixes for any bugs or issues that arise, as well as providing technical support to help customers troubleshoot and resolve any problems they may have.
    The type of support and maintenance offered can vary depending on the company, but it is common for ItsBroken Digital to have dedicated support teams that customers can contact for assistance. The support can be provided through different channels such as phone, email, live chat, ticket system or Remote access.

    ItsBroken Digital also offer different levels of support, such as basic support that includes troubleshooting and problem resolution, and advanced support that includes proactive monitoring and maintenance to prevent issues from arising.
    We also offer maintenance and support service agreements that allow customers to pay for support and maintenance on an ongoing basis, rather than having to pay for it separately each time they need assistance.

    In summary, ItsBroken Digital typically offer ongoing support and maintenance for our solutions to ensure that our customers can continue to use and benefit from our products or services without interruption. Talk to us to see how we can help your company with IT support and maintenance.

  10. How do you handle communication and collaboration with clients?

    ItsBroken Digital handle communication and collaboration with clients in several ways, including:
    · Regular meetings: We schedule meetings with clients to discuss progress, address any concerns, and plan for future work. These meetings can be in-person or held remotely using video conferencing or other online tools.
    · Email and phone: We use email and phone as a way to communicate with clients. Email is often used for sending updates, documents, and files, while phone calls can be used for quick updates or troubleshooting.
    · Project management tools: We use an array of project management tools, to keep track of tasks, deadlines, and progress. These tools allow both the company and the client to see the status of the project and can also be used to assign tasks, share files, and collaborate on documents.
    · Remote access: We use remote access tools, such as TeamViewer or Remote Desktop, to connect to client’s systems and work on the issues remotely.
    · Communication protocols: We establish communication protocols that outline how and when they will communicate with clients. This can include setting up regular check-ins, establishing an escalation process for critical issues, and agreeing on the best ways to communicate based on the client’s preferences.
    · Service Level Agreement (SLA): ItsBroken Digital can establish service level agreements with clients outlining the support and maintenance services they will provide. This helps to set clear expectations and ensure that both our company and the client are on the same page regarding the level of support and communication they can expect.

    In summary, ItsBroken Digital handle communication and collaboration with clients through regular meetings, email and phone, project management tools, remote access tools, communication protocols and service level agreements. Talk to us to see how we can help your company.

  11. How do you handle scalability and future growth for clients?

    ItsBroken Digital handle scalability and future growth for clients in several ways, including:
    · Capacity planning: ItsBroken Digital use capacity planning techniques to anticipate future growth and ensure that our systems and infrastructure can handle increased demand. This includes forecasting future usage, determining resource requirements, and identifying bottlenecks that need to be addressed.
    · Load balancing: We use load balancing techniques to distribute workloads evenly across servers and infrastructure, which can help to improve scalability and avoid overloading any one system.
    · Cloud-based solutions: We use in-house and cloud-based solutions such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or VMWare to provide scalable and flexible infrastructure that can easily be scaled up or down as needed.
    · Service level agreements (SLA): ItsBroken have service level agreements with our clients which outlines the scalability and future growth aspect of our service. This include the level of scalability and availability, the process for adding or removing resources, and the timeline for scaling up or down.

    In summary, ItsBroken Digital handle scalability and future growth for clients through capacity planning, load balancing, cloud-based solutions, automation and service level agreements. Talk to us to see how we can help your company.

  12. What type of training do you provide for clients?

    ItsBroken Digital provide various types of training for clients to help them effectively use and manage the technology solutions provided. Some common types of training include:
    · Technical training: We provide technical training to help clients understand how to use and maintain the technology solutions provided. This can include training on software, hardware, and other technical components of the solution.
    · End-user training: We provide end-user training to help clients understand how to use the technology solutions provided on a day-to-day basis. This can include training on how to use specific features and functions, as well as best practices for using the technology.
    · Administrator training: We provide administrator training to help clients understand how to manage and maintain the technology solutions provided. This can include training on how to set up, configure, and troubleshoot the technology, as well as best practices for administration and management.
    · On-site training: We provide on-site training where a trainer goes to the client’s location and provides the training.
    · Customized training: We provide customized training based on the client’s specific needs and requirements.
    · Documentation: We provide documentation and user manuals to help clients understand the technology and how to use it.

    In summary, ItsBroken Digital provide various types of training for clients, including technical training, end-user training, administrator training, on-site training, online training, customized training and documentation. Talk to us to see what sort of training we can provide for your business.

  13. Can you provide a service level agreement?

    Yes, ItsBroken Digital can provide a Service Level Agreement (SLA) to our clients when requested. An SLA is a contract between us and a client that outlines the level of service and support that the company will provide.

    Our SLA typically includes details such as the types of services that will be provided, the availability and uptime of the services, response and resolution times for any issues that may arise, and any guarantees or warranties offered by ItsBroken Digital.

    The SLA also includes details such as the process to monitor the service level and the penalties or credits that the we will provide if we fail to meet the agreed service level.

    Some common services that may be included in an SLA are:
    · Technical support and assistance
    · Maintenance and updates
    · Backup and disaster recovery services
    · Data security and compliance
    · Scalability and growth support
    · Training and documentation

    An SLA helps to set clear expectations between our company and the client, and ensures that both parties understand the level of service and support that will be provided. Talk to us to see what sort of Service Level Agreement we can provide for your business.

  14. Do you have experience working with international clients?

    ItsBroken Digital does have experience working with international clients. The nature of the technology industry and the increasing global interconnectedness of businesses means that in near impossible not to have experience working with clients from different countries and cultures.

    We have a strong focus on domestic clients as the market is plentiful, though we specialize in working with clients in specific industries, which leads us into international territories from time to time.

  15. Do you offer custom development services?

    ItsBroken Digital does offer custom development services. These services are typically tailored to the specific needs of the client, and can include software development, web development, and other forms of custom programming.

    Custom development services are often in high demand as they allow our clients to have software or an application that is tailored to their specific business needs and processes. Talk to us if your business is considering a custom development project.

  16. Can you integrate with existing systems and platforms?

    ItsBroken Digital provide custom development and integration services to help organizations make the most of their existing technology. We understand that businesses often have a variety of systems and platforms in place, each with their own unique features and capabilities. Our team of developers has the expertise to connect these systems together, allowing for seamless communication and data flow between them.

    One of the key ways we can integrate with existing systems is by customizing and adapting our software solutions to work with the systems and platforms that a business already has in place. This can involve modifying software to integrate with existing databases, CRM systems, or other key business tools. By doing this, we can help organizations to get the most out of the technology they already have, without having to invest in new solutions.

    Overall, our approach to integration is to work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and requirements, and then develop solutions that are tailored to their specific business processes. We pride ourselves on providing cost-effective and efficient integration services that help our clients to streamline their operations and gain a competitive edge. Talk to us for all your business system integration needs.

  17. What is your availability for urgent or emergency support?

    ItsBroken Digital offer special availability for urgent or emergency support. This means that we have a dedicated support team and a designated point of contact that clients can reach out to in case of urgent or critical issues that need immediate attention.

    This type of support is typically available outside of regular business hours and can include services such as troubleshooting and resolving technical issues, restoring access to critical systems, and providing emergency updates or patches. ItsBroken Digital’s dedicated support team will be able to handle these situations promptly and efficiently to minimize downtime and ensure that the client’s operations are minimally impacted.

    Additionally, ItsBroken Digital also offer different service level agreements (SLAs) for different types of clients or projects, where the SLA may include different response times and priority levels for different types of issues. This allows us to provide a tailored support service that meets the specific needs of each client, including the availability of emergency support. Call us immediately if you require urgent or emergency support.

  18. Can you provide a detailed proposal and scope of work for a project?

    ItsBroken Digital can provide a detailed proposal and scope of work for a project. This would typically include information on the project objectives, deliverables, timeline, and budget, as well as any specific requirements or constraints. It would likely include details on the resources and expertise needed to complete the project, such as specific software or hardware that will be used. The proposal would be tailored to the specific needs of the client and their business. Talk to us if you would like us to setup a detailed proposal and scope of work for your next project.

  19. How do you handle project timelines and deadlines?

    ItsBroken Digital typically handle project timelines and deadlines by using project management tools and methodologies.

    One common method is to use a Gantt chart, which is a visual representation of the tasks and milestones in a project, along with their dependencies and the planned start and end dates. Gantt charts allow project managers to easily see where the project stands at any given time and make adjustments as needed to stay on schedule.

    Another method is to use Agile development, which is an iterative and flexible approach to project management. Agile emphasizes the importance of regular check-ins and adjustments to the project plan, based on input from the team and the client. This allows for more flexibility and adaptability throughout the project, and helps to ensure that the final product meets the client’s needs.

    In general, we use a combination of these methods on a per client basis to ensure projects are delivered on time and within budget. Talk to us about project timelines and deadlines on your next business IT project.

  20. Do you offer cloud-based solutions?

    ItsBroken Digital offer both hosted and cloud-based solutions. Cloud computing allows our clients to store and access data and applications over the internet rather than on physical servers. This provides advantages such as increased scalability, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness.

    ItsBroken Digital provide cloud-based solutions for a variety of purposes, such as data storage, software development, and business operations. Talk to us about hosting and cloud based solutions for your next business IT project.

  21. How do you handle disaster recovery and business continuity?

    Disaster recovery (DR) and business continuity (BC) are two closely related concepts that are critical for the majority of our clients. They refer to the strategies and procedures that organizations put in place to ensure that they can quickly and effectively respond to and recover from unexpected disruptions, such as natural disasters, cyber-attacks, or power outages.

    Typically, we will have a disaster recovery plan in place that outlines the steps to be taken in the event of a disaster. This plan will typically include procedures for backing up and restoring data, as well as instructions for how to respond to and recover from different types of disasters.
    One of the most important components of a disaster recovery plan is a backup and recovery system. This system is designed to ensure that all of the organization’s important data and applications can be quickly restored in the event of a disaster. This is typically done by regularly backing up data both locally and to off-site locations or to our cloud.

    Another important aspect of disaster recovery and business continuity is having a plan in place for how to keep critical business operations running in the event of a disaster. This might include having redundant systems in place, or having the ability to quickly move operations to an alternate location.
    To ensure that the disaster recovery and business continuity plans are functional and up to date, we conduct regular testing and training to make sure that everyone knows what to do in case of a disaster.

    In summary, ItsBroken Digital handle disaster recovery and business continuity by having a well-defined plan in place that includes procedures for backing up and restoring data, instructions for how to respond to and recover from different types of disasters, and having a plan in place for keeping critical business operations running in the event of a disaster.

    Talk to us about disaster recovery and business continuity solutions for your business.

  22. Do you have experience with specific software or technologies?

    ItsBroken Digital have experience with specific software or technologies. We specialize in certain areas, such as web development, network management, and cybersecurity, and we have experience with the software and technologies that are commonly used in those areas.

    For example, we have strong experience with programming languages such as PHP, Rust, and Python, as well as experience with specific development platforms and frameworks, such as .NET or Ruby on Rails.

    With regards to network management, we have experience with network infrastructure products such as routers, switches, and firewalls from vendors such as Cisco, Fortinet and pfSense, as well as experience with network monitoring and management tools such as SolarWinds or PRTG.

    We have cybersecurity experience with security technologies such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and antivirus software, as well as experience with compliance and regulatory standards such as HIPAA, SOC 2, and PCI-DSS.

    In addition to these specific software and technologies, we also have experience with general IT management tools such as IT Service Management (ITSM) tools, cloud-based solutions and IT project management tools such as JIRA and Microsoft Project.

    It’s worth noting that ItsBroken Digital are constantly adapting to changing technologies and updating our skill sets to expand our portfolio of service offerings and expertise.

  23. How do you handle data migration and integration?

    ItsBroken typically handle data migration and integration by using specialized software tools and processes to transfer data from one system to another. This can include extracting data from legacy systems, transforming it to match the format and structure of the target system, and then loading it into the new system. The process may also involve data cleaning, data mapping, and data validation steps to ensure the data is accurate and complete. Additionally, we may use middleware or APIs to integrate the new system with existing systems, allowing data to flow seamlessly between them. The process is often done by our Data migration specialist. Talk to us about data migration paths and integration possibilities for your business.

  24. Do you have experience with artificial intelligence?

    ItsBroken Digital leverages the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to achieve a wide range of tasks. One of the key areas where AI is utilized is in content creation, where it can be used to generate high-quality, engaging, and unique content at scale. Additionally, we use AI to perform code testing, which helps to identify and fix bugs and issues more efficiently.

    Another area where AI is used is in complex data linking and relationship identification. This involves using machine learning algorithms to analyse large sets of data, identify patterns, and make connections that a human might not otherwise be able to discern.

    Additionally, AI can be used to assist in finding patterns in data that a human would never think to investigate, which can help uncover valuable insights that might otherwise go unnoticed.

    Overall, the use of AI by ItsBroken Digital allows us to be more efficient, effective, and innovative in our work. Talk to us about the possibilities available using Artificial Intelligence with your business.

  25. How do you handle performance optimization and troubleshooting?

    ItsBroken Digital handle performance optimization and troubleshooting using a variety of techniques and tools. One key approach is to use monitoring and analytics software to gather data on the performance metrics of our systems and identify areas where optimization is needed. This data can be used to identify bottlenecks, such as slow-performing servers or network congestion, and take steps to address them.

    Another approach is to use load testing and stress testing to simulate real-world usage scenarios and identify potential performance issues before they occur in a production environment. This helps us to identify and fix problems before they affect end users.

    We also use troubleshooting techniques such as log analysis and root cause analysis to identify and resolve issues as they occur. Log analysis involves reviewing system logs to identify patterns of events that may indicate the cause of a problem, while root cause analysis is a systematic process of identifying the underlying causes of problems.

    Additionally, we also use a variety of tools such as performance profiling, tracing, and debugging tools to identify and fix performance issues. These tools allow our developers to identify the specific lines of code that are causing performance problems and make changes to improve performance.
    In summary, ItsBroken Digital handle performance optimization and troubleshooting using a combination of monitoring, analytics, load testing, stress testing, log analysis, root cause analysis, and specialized tools to identify and resolve issues, in order to ensure smooth performance of our systems and satisfied customers.

    Talk to us about performance optimization and troubleshooting for your business.

  26. Do you offer IT consulting services?

    ItsBroken Digital offer IT consulting services. These services can encompass a wide range of areas, such as technology strategy, system design and architecture, project management, and implementation.

    Our services can help organizations to identify their technology needs and goals, and develop a strategy for achieving them. We can work with organizations to evaluate their current systems and infrastructure, identify areas for improvement, and recommend solutions that will help them to meet their business objectives.

    We can also help organizations to design and implement new systems, such as cloud computing platforms, data centres, and software applications. We can provide guidance on the selection of hardware and software, as well as on the best practices for deployment and management.
    In addition, we provide support for project management, which includes overseeing the planning, execution, and delivery of IT projects. We can also provide guidance on change management, which includes identifying the impact of changes on the organization and ensuring that the transition is managed effectively.

    Overall, ItsBroken Digital services can help organizations to optimize their IT systems and infrastructure, improve efficiency and productivity, and gain a competitive advantage in the market. Talk to us about our IT consulting services for your business.

  27. How do you handle version control and software updates?

    ItsBroken Digital typically use version control systems (VCS) such as Git, to manage and track changes to their software code. These systems allow multiple developers to work on the same codebase simultaneously and keep track of the history of changes.

    When it comes to software updates, we generally use a combination of testing and deployment strategies to ensure that new updates do not break existing functionality. This can include using beta testing groups, A/B testing, and canary releases.

    Overall, ItsBroken Digital use a combination of version control systems, testing and deployment strategies, and configuration management tools to ensure that software updates are thoroughly tested and deployed in a controlled and efficient manner. Talk to us about version control and software updates for your business.

  28. How do you handle project documentation and deliverables?

    ItsBroken Digital handle project documentation and deliverables in a variety of ways, depending on the specific processes and the requirements of the project. Some common practices include:
    · Project Plan: We typically create a project plan that outlines the scope, timelines, milestones, and deliverables for the project. This plan is used as a roadmap for the project and is updated as needed throughout the project’s lifecycle.
    · Requirements Gathering: We will usually gather requirements from the client and document them in a requirements document. This document will outline what the client wants to achieve with the project and the specific features and functionality that will be required to meet those goals.
    · Design Document: Once the requirements have been gathered, we will often create a design document that describes the proposed solution in detail. This document will include diagrams, flowcharts, and other technical details that describe how the solution will be implemented.
    · Testing: We will typically conduct various types of testing to ensure that the solution meets the requirements and is free of defects. This may include unit testing, integration testing, and acceptance testing. The results of these tests will be documented in a test plan or test report.
    · Deployment: Before deploying the solution to a production environment, we will create a deployment plan that outlines the steps that will be taken to deploy the solution. This plan will include details on how the solution will be installed, configured, and tested in the production environment.
    · Maintenance and Support: Once the solution has been deployed, we will often provide ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure that the solution continues to function as expected. This may include bug fixes, security updates, and other necessary changes.
    · Documentation: We will often provide documentation such as user manuals, administrator guides, and troubleshooting guides to help clients understand and use the solution effectively.

    These are some of the general practices followed by ItsBroken Digital, though the specific process may vary depending on client requirements. Talk to us about project documentation and deliverables for your next business IT project.

  29. How do you handle data analytics and reporting?

    ItsBroken Digital handle data analytics and reporting in a variety of ways depending on the requirements of the project, and the type of data that needs to be analysed. Some common practices include:
    · Data Collection: We will typically collect data from various sources such as databases, log files, and cloud services. They will then use tools to extract, transform, and load the data into a data warehouse or a data lake for further analysis.
    · Data Analysis: We use various analytical tools such as SQL, Python, and AI to analyse the data and uncover insights. We may use statistical models, machine learning algorithms, and data visualization tools to make sense of the data and identify patterns.
    · Automation: We use automation tools and scripts to automate data collection, analysis, and reporting. This can help to save time and improve efficiency.
    · Security: We will typically implement security measures to protect the data from unauthorized access and to ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.
    · Data Governance: We also help in setting up Data Governance structures and protocols to ensure data quality, accuracy and completeness.

    These are some of the general practices followed by ItsBroken Digital but the specific process may vary depending on the client requirements and the type of data being analysed. Talk to us about data analytics and reporting for your business.

  30. Do you provide a detailed project plan and timelines?

    ItsBroken Digital typically provide a detailed project plan and timelines to our clients. A project plan is a document that outlines the scope, objectives, timelines, milestones, and deliverables for the project. It is used as a roadmap for the project and is updated as needed throughout the project’s lifecycle.

    The project plan is usually created at the beginning of a project and it is shared with the client so that they can have a clear understanding of the project’s goals, timelines, and deliverables.

    The project plan will typically include:
    · A project overview
    · Objectives and goals
    · Project scope
    · Milestones and deliverables
    · Resource requirements
    · Dependencies
    · Project schedule and timelines
    · Budget and financials
    · Risk management and mitigation
    · Communication plan
    · Project review and acceptance process

    The project plan will also include timelines for the completion of key milestones and deliverables, and it will be used to track the progress of the project. ItsBroken Digital will use the project plan to monitor the project’s progress, identify and mitigate risks, and make adjustments as needed to ensure that the project stays on track and is completed on time and within budget.

    It’s important to note that the specific format and contents of the project plan may vary depending on the project management methodology and client requirements.

    Talk to us about creating a project plan and timelines for your next business project.

  31. How do you handle website development and e-commerce?

    ItsBroken Digital handle website development and e-commerce in a variety of ways depending on the requirements of the project, and the type of website or e-commerce platform being developed. Some common practices include:
    · Requirements gathering: We will typically gather requirements from the client, such as the website’s desired features, functionality, and design. We will document these requirements in a requirements document, which serves as a guide for the development process.
    · Design and development: We will use web design and development tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and various frameworks and content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress, WooCommerce and Shopify. to create the website. We will often create wireframes, mock-ups, or prototypes to help the client visualize the final product before development begins.
    · Testing: We will conduct various types of testing to ensure that the website is free of defects and meets the requirements. This may include unit testing, integration testing, and acceptance testing. The results of these tests will be documented in a test plan or test report.
    · Deployment: Before deploying the website to a production environment, we will create a deployment plan that outlines the steps that will be taken to deploy the website. This plan will include details on how the website will be installed, configured, and tested in the production environment.
    · E-commerce functionality: For e-commerce websites, we will also handle the integration of e-commerce functionality such as shopping carts, payment gateway integration, and inventory management systems.
    · Maintenance and Support: Once the website has been deployed, we will provide ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure that the website continues to function as expected. This may include bug fixes, security updates, and other necessary changes.
    · SEO and Marketing: We can also help to optimize the website for search engines and improve the website’s visibility and ranking through search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, and also help with website marketing to drive traffic to the website.

    These are some of the general practices followed by ItsBroken Digital, but the specific process may vary depending on client requirements and the type of website or e-commerce platform being developed.

    Talk to us about website development and eCommerce solutions for your business.

  32. How do you handle network and infrastructure management?

    ItsBroken Digital handle network and infrastructure management in a variety of ways depending on the requirements of the project, and the type of network and infrastructure being managed. Some common practices include:
    · Network Design and Implementation: We will typically design and implement network infrastructure, including LANs, WANs, and wireless networks. They will also design and implement security measures such as firewalls, VPNs, and intrusion detection systems to protect the network from unauthorized access and cyber threats.
    · Network Monitoring: We will use monitoring tools to continuously monitor your network infrastructure to identify and troubleshoot issues. They will also use monitoring tools to track network performance metrics such as traffic, bandwidth utilization, and response times.
    · Network Maintenance: We will perform regular maintenance on network infrastructure, such as software updates, backups, and hardware replacement, to ensure that the network is running optimally and is free of defects.
    · Network Security: We will implement security measures to protect the network from cyber threats, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus software. They will also perform regular security audits and assessments to identify vulnerabilities and implement security best practices.
    · Cloud Network and Infrastructure Management: Many We also provide cloud network and infrastructure management services to help clients move their on-premises infrastructure to the cloud, and manage their cloud-based network and infrastructure, using services such as AWS, Azure or GCP.
    · Disaster Recovery: We will also help in setting up disaster recovery plans, to ensure that network and infrastructure are quickly restored in case of a disaster or outage.
    · Remote Management: Many We can manage networks and infrastructure remotely, this can include remote monitoring, remote troubleshooting, and remote maintenance.

    These are some of the general practices followed by ItsBroken Digital, but the specific process may vary depending on client requirements, and the type of network and infrastructure being managed.

    Talk to us about network and infrastructure management solutions for your business.

  33. Do you offer IT managed services?

    ItsBroken offer managed IT services. Managed IT services is a type of outsourcing in which an IT company provides ongoing support and management for the IT infrastructure and systems of a client. This can include things like network and server management, security, data backup and recovery, and help desk support.

    Managed services can be delivered on-premise, remotely, or through a combination of both. We will typically use monitoring and management tools to proactively identify and resolve issues, and to ensure that the client’s IT infrastructure is always running smoothly.

    We will also provide regular reports to the client, detailing the status of the IT infrastructure, and any issues that have been identified and resolved. This allows the client to focus on their core business activities while the IT company handles the day-to-day management of the IT infrastructure.

    Some of the benefits of IT managed services are:
    · Reduce IT costs by eliminating the need to hire and maintain in-house IT staff
    · Improve security and compliance
    · Improve reliability and availability of IT systems
    · Improve disaster recovery and business continuity
    · Help companies to focus on their core business activities instead of worrying about IT management

    IT managed services can be customized to meet the specific needs of each client, and the scope of services can vary depending on the client’s requirements. ItsBroken Digital offer a range of different managed service plans, all of which can be tailored to suit the client’s specific needs.

    Talk to us about managed IT services for your business.

  34. How do you handle IT security and threat management?

    ItsBroken Digital handle IT security and threat management in a variety of ways, depending on the requirements of the project, and the type of security and threat management services being provided. Some common practices include:
    · Security Assessment: We will typically conduct a security assessment to identify vulnerabilities and security risks within the client’s IT environment. This assessment will typically include a review of the client’s network, servers, applications, and data.
    · Threat Intelligence: We will use threat intelligence to identify and understand the latest cyber threats, and to develop strategies to prevent and protect against them. They will use a variety of tools and techniques to gather and analyse threat intelligence, such as honeypots, intrusion detection systems, and threat feeds.
    · Incident Response: We will have incident response plans in place to respond quickly and effectively to security incidents. This will typically include procedures for identifying and containing security incidents, as well as for notifying the client and other relevant parties.
    · Penetration Testing: We will often conduct penetration testing, which simulates a cyber-attack on the client’s IT environment, to identify vulnerabilities and to test the effectiveness of the client’s security controls.
    · Security Operations Centre: We will often provide a security operations centre (SOC) service, which provides ongoing monitoring, threat detection, and incident response capabilities.
    · Compliance and regulations: We will help clients to comply with various regulations and standards such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA, SOC2, and others.
    · Security Training and Awareness: We will often provide security training and awareness programs to help educate employees on how to identify and respond to security threats.

    These are some of the general practices followed by ItsBroken Digital, but the specific process may vary depending on client requirements, and the type of security and threat management services being provided.

    Talk to us about IT security and threat management for your business.

  35. Can you provide a detailed maintenance and support plan?

    ItsBroken Digital provide a detailed maintenance and support plan to clients. A maintenance and support plan outlines the scope of services that the IT company will provide to the client in order to maintain and support their IT systems and infrastructure.

    The plan will typically include:
    · Description of the IT systems and infrastructure that will be maintained and supported
    · Schedule of regular maintenance activities, such as software updates, backups, and hardware replacements
    · Description of the support services that will be provided, such as help desk support, troubleshooting, and incident response
    · Communication plan, including contact information and procedures for reporting issues
    · Service level agreements (SLAs) that outline the response time, resolution time, and availability of the service.
    · Details of the updates and the changes that will be implemented by the IT company.
    · Any additional services that are provided as part of the maintenance and support plan such as security assessments, penetration testing, and disaster recovery planning.

    The maintenance and support plan will also include timelines for the completion of key milestones and deliverables, and it will be used to track the progress of the plan. ItsBroken Digital will use the maintenance and support plan to monitor the systems and infrastructure, identify and resolve issues, and make adjustments as needed to ensure that the systems and infrastructure are always running smoothly.

    It’s important to note that the specific format and contents of the maintenance and support plan may vary depending on client requirements, and the type of IT systems and infrastructure being maintained and supported.

    Talk to us about setting up a detailed maintenance and support plan for your business.

  36. Do you offer IT outsourcing services?

    Yes, ItsBroken Digital offer IT outsourcing services. IT outsourcing is a type of service in which a company (client) contracts with another company (the IT service provider) to perform certain IT functions or tasks that are typically performed by in-house staff. IT outsourcing services can include a wide range of IT-related functions such as software development, network and infrastructure management, IT security, data analytics, and more.

    The IT outsourcing services can be provided on-site, off-site, or a combination of both, and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the client. Some of the benefits of IT outsourcing services are:
    · Cost savings by eliminating the need to hire and maintain in-house IT staff
    · Access to specialized skills and expertise that may not be available in-house
    · Improved scalability and flexibility to respond to changing business needs
    · Improved efficiency and productivity by focusing on core business activities
    · Improved risk management by transferring certain risks to the service provider

    IT outsourcing services can be provided on a project basis, or as a long-term engagement, depending on the client’s needs. ItsBroken Digital offer a range of different outsourcing plans, which can be tailored to suit the client’s specific needs.

    Talk to us and see what outsourcing services would be advantageous for your business.

  37. Can you provide a detailed project budget and cost breakdown?

    ItsBroken Digital typically provide a detailed project budget and cost breakdown to our clients. The project budget and cost breakdown will include all the costs associated with the project, such as labour, materials, equipment, and other expenses. It will also include an estimated timeline for when the costs will be incurred.

    The project budget and cost breakdown will typically include:
    · A breakdown of the project costs, including labour, materials, equipment, and other expenses
    · An estimation of the total project cost
    · A breakdown of the costs by phase or task
    · A breakdown of the costs by category, such as labour, materials, and equipment
    · An estimation of the costs of any additional services, such as training, maintenance and support
    · A breakdown of the costs of any third-party vendor services
    · A detailed budget schedule that shows when the costs will be incurred and when payments will be made.

    The project budget and cost breakdown will also include details of the payment terms and any contingencies that may affect the budget. This will help the client to understand the costs associated with the project, and to make informed decisions about the project’s scope, timelines, and deliverables.
    It’s important to note that the specific format and contents of the project budget and cost breakdown may vary depending on the project management methodology and client requirements.

    Talk to us and setup a detailed project budget and cost breakdown for your next business project.

  38. Can you provide a detailed IT strategy and roadmap?

    ItsBroken Digital typically provide a detailed IT strategy and roadmap to our clients. An IT strategy and roadmap is a document that outlines the organization’s goals, objectives and initiatives for client IT systems and infrastructure. This document is usually created with the input of the company’s stakeholders and leadership, and it serves as a guide for the company’s IT-related decision-making and investments.

    The IT strategy and roadmap will typically include:
    · A current state assessment of the organization’s IT systems and infrastructure
    · A future state vision for the organization’s IT systems and infrastructure
    · Specific goals and objectives for the organization’s IT systems and infrastructure
    · A timeline for achieving the goals and objectives
    · A list of initiatives and projects that need to be undertaken to achieve the goals and objectives
    · A list of key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure the success of the strategy
    · A budget and resource plan to support the initiatives and projects
    · A risk management and mitigation plan
    · A governance structure that outlines the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders.

    The IT strategy and roadmap is usually a living document that is updated periodically to reflect any changes in the organization’s goals and objectives, and to align with the changing IT environment. It’s a tool that helps the organization to make IT-related decisions and investments that support their overall business strategy.

    It’s important to note that the specific format and contents of the IT strategy and roadmap may vary depending on the project management methodology, and client requirements.

    Talk to us and setup a provide a detailed IT strategy and roadmap for your business.

  39. How do you handle IT automation and scripting?

    ItsBroken Digital handle IT automation and scripting in a variety of ways depending on the requirements of the project, and the type of automation and scripting being performed. Some common practices include:
    · Automation of repetitive tasks: We use automation and scripting to automate repetitive tasks such as system backups, software updates, and data migration. This can save time and improve efficiency by eliminating the need for manual intervention.
    · Configuration management: We use automation and scripting to manage the configuration of servers, network devices, and other IT infrastructure. This includes automating the provisioning, configuration, and maintenance of IT systems.
    · Infrastructure as Code: We use automation and scripting to manage and provision infrastructure as code, this approach allows them to store and version the code of their infrastructure and automate the provisioning, configuration and management of the infrastructure.
    · Monitoring and reporting: We use automation and scripting to monitor and report on the performance and availability of IT systems. This can include automating the collection and analysis of log files, and the generation of system performance reports.
    · Cloud Automation: We use automation and scripting to automate the deployment and management of cloud-based resources and services, such as AWS, Azure, or GCP.
    · Scripting languages: We use a variety of scripting languages such as PowerShell, Python, Bash, Python, and others, to automate tasks and manage IT infrastructure.

    These are some of the general practices followed by ItsBroken Digital, but the specific process may vary depending on the client requirements, and the type of automation and scripting being performed. Automation and scripting can provide significant benefits such as improve efficiency, reduce human errors and increase consistency, it also allows us to scale and manage our IT operations more effectively and efficiently.

    Talk to us and see how we can make IT automation and scripting work for your business.

  40. Can you provide a detailed IT audit and assessment report?

    ItsBroken Digital typically provide a detailed IT audit and assessment report to our clients upon request. An IT audit and assessment is a systematic evaluation of an organization’s IT systems, infrastructure, and processes. The report provides a detailed analysis of the organization’s IT environment and identifies any risks, vulnerabilities, and areas for improvement.

    The IT audit and assessment report will typically include:
    · A description of the scope of the audit, including the systems and processes that were evaluated
    · A summary of the findings, including any risks, vulnerabilities, and areas for improvement
    · Detailed information on any issues identified during the audit, including recommendations for addressing them
    · Compliance assessment with industry standards and regulations such as ISO, SOC2, PCI-DSS, and others
    · Information on the organization’s IT infrastructure and systems, including hardware, software, and network configurations
    · Information on the organization’s IT policies and procedures, including security, data backup and recovery, and incident response
    · An assessment of the organization’s IT staff and their roles and responsibilities
    · A summary of the audit’s methodology and the tools and techniques used
    · A list of any follow-up actions or recommendations for improvement.

    The IT audit and assessment report is a valuable tool for organizations, as it helps them to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities and to make informed decisions about their IT systems and infrastructure. The report is usually reviewed by the organization’s IT staff and leadership, and it is used to guide the organization’s IT-related decision-making and investments.

    It’s important to note that the specific format and contents of the IT audit and assessment report may vary depending on the client requirements and the type of IT systems and infrastructure being audited.

    Talk to us if you want to find out what your business is missing or could do more efficiently.

  41. How do you handle IT project portfolio management?

    ItsBroken Digital handle IT project portfolio management in a variety of ways depending on the requirements of the project, and the type of project portfolio management being performed. Some common practices include:
    · Project Portfolio Selection: We use project portfolio management to select the IT projects that align with the organization’s goals, objectives, and resources. They use a variety of methods and tools, such as project prioritization matrices, to evaluate and prioritize IT projects.
    · Project Planning and Scheduling: We use project portfolio management to plan and schedule the IT projects in their portfolio. This includes developing project plans, timelines, and resource allocation.
    · Project Monitoring and Control: We use project portfolio management to monitor and control the IT projects in their portfolio. This includes tracking project progress, identifying issues and risks, and taking corrective action as needed.
    · Project Reporting: We use project portfolio management to generate reports that provide information on the status of the IT projects in the portfolio. These reports can be used to communicate project status to stakeholders and to make decisions about resource allocation and project prioritization.
    · Project Budgeting and Financial Management: We use project portfolio management to manage the financial aspects of the IT projects in the portfolio. This includes developing project budgets, managing project costs, and tracking project spending.
    · Portfolio Governance: We use project portfolio management to establish governance and oversight of the IT projects in the portfolio. This includes establishing a governance structure, identifying stakeholders, and establishing decision-making processes.

    These are some of the general practices followed by ItsBroken Digital, but the specific process may vary depending on the client requirements, and the type of project portfolio management being performed. IT project portfolio management allows us to ensure that their projects align with the organization’s goals and objectives, and that they are managed effectively and efficiently.

    Talk to us if your business is looking to have your IT project portfolio managed by ItsBroken Digital.

  42. How do you handle IT service continuity and availability management?

    ItsBroken Digital handle IT service continuity and availability management in a variety of ways, depending on the company’s specific processes, the requirements of the project, and the type of service continuity and availability management being performed. Some common practices include:
    · Business Impact Analysis: We use IT service continuity and availability management to conduct a business impact analysis (BIA) to identify the critical IT services and systems that are essential to the organization’s operations. This analysis is used to identify the impact of an interruption to these services and systems and to prioritize recovery actions.
    · Risk Assessment: We use IT service continuity and availability management to conduct a risk assessment to identify potential threats to the organization’s IT services and systems. The risk assessment is used to identify and prioritize risks and to develop mitigation strategies.
    · Disaster Recovery Planning: We use IT service continuity and availability management to develop disaster recovery plans to ensure that the organization’s IT services and systems can be recovered quickly and efficiently in the event of a disaster.
    · Business Continuity Planning: We use IT service continuity and availability management to develop business continuity plans (BCP) to ensure that the organization’s critical business processes can continue in the event of an interruption to IT services and systems.
    · Testing and Training: We use IT service continuity and availability management to test and train staff on the organization’s disaster recovery and business continuity plans. This includes regular testing of the plans and training staff on their roles and responsibilities in the event of an interruption to IT services and systems.
    · Incident Response: We use IT service continuity and availability management to develop incident response plans to ensure that the organization can respond quickly and effectively to an interruption to IT services and systems.
    · SLA Management: We use IT service continuity and availability management to establish and manage service level agreements (SLAs) that define the availability and performance requirements of IT services and systems.

    These are some of the general practices followed by ItsBroken Digital, but the specific process may vary depending on the client requirements, and the type of IT service continuity and availability management being performed. IT service continuity and availability management allows IT companies to ensure that their IT services and systems are available and can be recovered quickly in the event of a disruption, which is critical to the organization’s operations.